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Cenacles of Prayer for Times Such as These

Each one must consecrate himself to my Immaculate Heart, and through you priests many of my children will make this consecration.

This is like a vaccine which, like a good Mother, I give you to preserve you from the epidemic of atheism, which is contaminating so many of my children and leading them to the death of the spirit.

These are the times that I myself foretold; this is the hour of the purification. Heed the requests of your Mother, and entrust yourselves to me with all confidence and the most complete surrender.

Do not be surprised if, in this battle, those fall who did not want or did not know how to use the weapon that I myself gave you: my prayer, the simple and humble prayer of the holy rosary.

It is a simple and humble prayer, and therefore it is most efficacious in combating Satan who today is leading you astray especially by ostentation and pride.

Blue Book #99 m-o, 100 g,h

Entering deeply into the mysteries of the beads is entering into the whole immense mystery of the life and death of our Lord Jesus Christ. And who better to guide us than Mary? She was there at the beginning, during his public life, death, resurrection, and afterward in the upper room when the Spirit descended. She “started it all” in a manner of speaking with her yes. So we ask her to lead us through the mysteries of her Son with devotion and faith.

Grace in Every Season (May 6)

The following is taken from the MMP site.

Why does Our Lady urge the formation of cenacles?

In her messages, Our Lady insistently calls upon priests, religious and faithful to gather together with her in fervent prayer and fraternal love, in authentic cenacles as when the first apostles gathered with her in the Upper Room in Jerusalem awaiting the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Why this insistence? What is most important in the world and in the Church today is the preparation for the Second Pentecost through the triumph of her Immaculate Heart. To draw down upon us this gift of the Holy Spirit, we must enter with her into the cenacle.

Our Lady invites us to enter into the cenacle of her Immaculate Heart by means of our consecration. In the cenacle of her Heart she will nourish, form, and help us to grow in perfect consecration to her. She calls us to form cenacles together with her and to multiply and spread them everywhere, so that the Divine Spirit of Love may pass through the golden door of her Immaculate Heart and thus prepare humanity for a new era of grace and holiness.
(cf. 226j, June 7, 1981)

“Just as in the Cenacle of Jerusalem the Apostles, reunited with me in prayer, prepared for the moment of the first Pentecost, so also, in the cenacle of my Immaculate Heart – and consequently in the cenacles where you are gathered in prayer – you apostles of these last times can, with your heavenly Mother, obtain a new effusion of the Holy Spirit.”
(284p, Jan. 28, 1984)

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The Garden of Mary’s Heart

Flower gardeners spend their time growing beauty, which the Lord can then use to heal people and bring them closer to him. Each flower is a love poem of God to us! Each reflects a small part of God’s beauty. Look at each one and you will lose yourself in the infinite perfection of that one flower- its colors, its form, the shape of the petals.

Flowers give hope, returning each spring as they do. Flowers give courage. Flowers heal. Flowers are harbingers of joy.

Grace in Every Season (May5)

The Holy Spirit is the only Gardener within my enclosure. He has overshadowed me with his light of love; He has filled me with all his gifts; He has embellished me with his grandeur and has made me his Spouse.

In my Immaculate Heart this divine prodigy has taken place.

My garden is his exclusive property: it is the Holy Spirit who waters it and gives it light; it is He who causes the most beautiful flowers to spring up; it is He who gives them their color and fragrance; it is He who brings therein whom He wills.

No one can enter unless He Himself opens to them: no one walks therein unless He leads them forward.

If you but knew, my beloved sons, the gift you have received by consecrating yourselves to my Immaculate Heart!

It is the Holy Spirit who has brought you into my garden. And through your heavenly Mother, He is now cultivating you, embelishing you with his gifts, and enriching you with all the virtues.

Blue Book #131 g-l

I didn’t know that ‘Carmel’ actually meant garden until I joined a Third Order Carmelite group 21 years ago. That brought me so much joy and whole new perspective on my spiritual life. Then a couple of years ago, the Holy Spirit brought me to the MMP, and it truly felt like a ‘call within a call’.

This time it feels like she’s personally taking me by the hand … I don’t think everyone needs this type of intense guidance, but I think I’m just a really stubborn case. But I’m grateful that Jesus doesn’t let go and that He loves me so much as to send His own Mother as My Formation Director. 😃 🙏🙏🙏

What is the Immaculate Heart of Mary if not God’s Garden itself…Carmel! Let us enter in! Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, your well beloved spouse!

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Light Spreaders

What are we focusing on? The world is a mess, our lives from time to time can become messes too… but the more we bring our attention to it, the more it grows. This is not what we are called to as Catholics. Yes, it’s important to stay informed up to a point, but we must maintain detached… not allow any of it to sink in and alter us in any way. That’s God’s realm.

What we are called to is to live out our little, simple lives to the best of our ability and with God’s grace via the Sacraments. This doesn’t mean that we turn into complete pacifists never uttering a word of opposition… not at all… it’s just that our circle of actual influence is probably way smaller than we estimate at times.

Let’s be light spreaders!!!

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Working for the Lord Through the Darkness

You are the crown of love woven by me to place, as a source of comfort, about the Heart of my Son Jesus and of his Vicar on earth.

Therefore I ask you again for prayer, suffering and silence,

But your light must shine ever more and more brightly as the darkness envelops everything.

And yours will be the light of my presence in this most severe trial. And my motherly and merciful intervention will then become manifest to all.”

Blue Book #95 k-n

And whatever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” COLOSSIANS 3:23

Sometimes it seems so difficult to get any work done… our bodies, minds and even spirit, may fail us from time to time. It’s easy to fall into despair and consider ourselves as useless. However that’s not how God sees us.

Our most important work may not be what we think at all. Sometimes He allows blocks to be put in our way, so that we may finally see it. But even then it can take a while for some of us.

In the above Blue Book passage, Our Blessed Mother is asking once again for our prayer, suffering and silence. She says that we are being called to ‘be a light as the darkness envelopes everything’. EVERYTHING! Can you not feel it? I can. It’s threatening to engulf me at the moment.

So, what to do? How are we (how am I) to be light when all I can feel is darkness? Our Blessed Mother then says that the light that we are to shine is her presence. We aren’t just called to become another Christ (with her help), we are being called to be another replica of her, another ‘Mary’. To be Mother and comforter to a broken and hurting church. Yes, even when we are in dire need of it ourselves. Good mother that she is, she then comes and sends out her other children to help strengthen us.

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MMP Cenacles vs Other Parish Groups

I am now calling you, my beloved sons; I am gathering you together from all parts of the world, as a mother hen does her chicks. I am gathering you all into my Immaculate Heart.

Blue Book #93 n

It’s her job to gather all of her children into One Body… Christ!

It’s interesting to listen to modern day ‘apostles’ squabble about which method, or group is best. Some things never change I guess…Jesus’ 12 did the same.

Our ultimate purpose is one though. Union with Christ, and there is no one better to help us get there than His own Mother!

I personally love the MMP and the Blue Book as I feel it is her personally guiding me through life. The way it came to me, left me without any doubts that it was what she wanted for me. I love cenacles (which means ‘upper room’) especially when they take place as instructed, with some faith sharing and community building at the end. It’s great to have a place to share with others on the same track, what Our Blessed Mother is helping me through, and in turn learn from others and their different callings also.

But then other non MMP groups and gatherings are necessary too. Once we’ve been fed, we are then sent forth to feed and be there for others in our local parish communities. Not to push the MMP (although everyone is always welcome), but to help make Our Blessed Mother loved by all and her guidance followed. And we also now need to be her representatives in the Church. Be Mother to His other children…

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When We Choose to Snooze

You are called by divine plan to be his ministers, his apostles, his consolers.

Why then do so many of you again betray Him today?

Why do many of you again flee today and leave Jesus and the Church all alone?

Why are so many of you again sleeping today? And that sleeping is often the very work in which you allow yourselves to be caught up and overwhelmed.

That sleeping is also the way in which you seek to adapt yourselves to the world, and to succeed in being agreeable to, as well as accepted and understood by, this world. That sleeping is everything which humanly weighs you down.

Blue Book #93 h-l

Go to Joseph, the poor man whose foster Son was born in a stable and whose family lived most frugally in a little forgotten village of Palestine but who held in his arms the wealth of the nations and the Light of the world and who can teach us all how to empty our hands of tinsel and fill them with love, faith, and happiness.

Grace in Every Season (May 1)

‘Emptying our hands of tinsel’ is about letting go of our own needs (comfort, acceptance etc) and embracing our true calling which is about God answering the needs of others through us. To not do what God has called us to, to not share what He has given us for the benefit of others, to choose to snooze… is to betray Him.

St. Joseph, pray for us!

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Resurrection After Our Daily Crosses

I have come down from heaven to make of you, sons consecrated to my Heart, my heaven on earth. In you my light is reflected. Thus through you many souls will again be drawn by my candor, and they will spread the perfume of my virtue.

Blue Book #92 g

It is up to us to form a community of love, a family. We do so by silently preaching the Gospel with our lives, without compromise. We do so through the childlikeness of Bethlehem; through the hidden life of Nazareth in “small things done well’ for love of God–and through the kenosis, or self-emptying, that leads us to Golgotha. We do all this so that Christ may live in us- and in our neighbors.

Grace in Every Season (April 30)

It can be horrifying to see what is happening around us, I live in a Boston suburb, and without going into too much detail so as to not give the enemy any more attention than he deserves, what he is attempting is on full display. But guess what.. so is what God is doing. What are we choosing to focus on?

My advice to others at times like these is always the same regardless of the methods the enemy uses. Stay in a state of grace via the Sacraments… and pray and obey! Live so fully in God’s will that He will fight the battles for you.

The follow up question that I often get is ‘how do you know what God’s will is?’ Well, it depends on our state in life… if we are married with children, then those are our first priority. Look to your commitments and responsibilities in life… do those with great attention and love. It doesn’t have to be perfect according to worldly standards. These aren’t Pinterest or Instagram approved moments mostly … just ordinary, grace-filled ones that break through from what you may deem as drudgery and often even heart break. Resurrection moments after carrying our crosses with Him.

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St. Catherine of Sienna Pray for Us

When they attack your person or my Movement, answer with prayer, with silence and with forgiveness.

Blue Book #91 o

When I faced the death-of-God movement in the 1960s, I felt both weak and strong at the same time. The strength was not mine. I prayed to St. Catherine of Siena often during those years because she fought for the church. I have a statue and a relic of St. Catherine. I carried the relic on my person as the death-of-God-issue was thrown at me. I knew that I was on guard for the church. To defend the church you have to be crucified, always crucified.

Grace in Every Season (April 29)

I live in the Boston area where another large group set on the attack of the church is gathering this weekend.

Our response needs to be a truly Christian one… first prayer and silence … do and say nothing without going there first.

We may be dealing with repercussions of this gathering for some time, but that’s not our concern. God is still in charge… let HIM!

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.

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We Are the Church

By your life, which will be, purely and simply, a living Gospel. Today the Gospel of my Son Jesus is believed in less and less, and even in the Church there are some who tend to interpret it in a human and symbolic manner.

You will live out the Gospel to the letter: you will be poor, simple, pure, little and totally given over to the Father.

Blue Book #91 e,f

No matter how much the men and women in office seem to wreck their part of the church’s fabric by their humanness- hence sinfulness and unpleasant personality traits- it does not happen. Christ in their office does not allow the church to be wrecked because of the weakness of the persons who represent him.

Grace in Every Season (April 28)

It’s easy to look outwards and point fingers, but not so easy to constantly live out the faith ourselves. Yet, this is how we will turn things around.

We are not blind, we know the horrible things going on and it breaks our hearts.

But we can from this moment on be part of the solution. Just be who God created us to be… a living Gospel…leave the rest to Him.

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Pray for Our Priests

Satan is maneuvering more and more openly in my Church. He has now associated many of my priest-sons with himself, deluding them with the false mirage that Marxism proposes to all: exclusive interest in the poor, a Christianity engaged solely in the building up of a more equitable human society, a Church which would be more evangelical and therefore disengaged from its hierarchical institutions.

Blue Book #90h

God did not build his church on angels, but on human, sinful, weak, frightened men who loved him, and, slowly cooperating with his grace, became what they should have been. Therefore we who are still directed by weak men must understand that we need to look beyond the person to the office each holds. That office is Christ. Because Christ is in the church, he is in every office, from the pope down to the local parish priest. Otherwise, there would be no church.

Grace in Every Season (April 27)

We need to pray for our priests and entire hierarchy, they are fighting a battle that few can comprehend. The fight is intense because their potential power is intense… if Satan can somehow make you lose a sense of your gifts to the Kingdom of God, then he has handed a deep blow to humanity.

I just watched Nefarious this week. Stop reading right here, if you don’t want any details.

At one point a priest is called in, the demon starts to recoil at simply seeing him. Then this weak man in the office of the priesthood not knowing the power that he’s been entrusted with, denies that demons even exist. The demon enjoys that very much and goes on doing his thing. It’s truly heartbreaking for a faithful Catholic to watch… because we know the truth behind it.

We don’t need more psychiatrists, and sociologists in the priesthood, we just need priests who truly believe. Let’s pray!