Posted in Core

At the Foot of the Cross with Mary

The hour of darkness is approaching, the hour when you must drink the chalice which my Son has prepared for each one of you. But do not even think of this hour, that you may not be caught up in fear and anxiety.

Look only to my Immaculate Heart: take refuge and warm yourselves here, strengthen yourselves here. Feel yourselves in safety here!

Blue Book #70 g, h

But if we fall in love with the crucified one, we shall know something else as well. We shall know joy beyond all knowing. We shall have peace, the peace he promised. We shall be able to lift up all things before his face. We shall make up what is wanting in the sufferings of Christ, for the Body of Christ still suffers. Are we ready?

Grace in Every Season (April 5)

If we want to experience the Resurrection, then there is no evading the cross! But if we stay close to Our Blessed Mother, she will shelter us through whatever is to come.

We can’t focus on the storms that keep hitting us from every direction, which only lead us to fear, anxiety and further isolation.

We instead need to put on our blind folds, and set our face ‘like flint’ and look only to her Immaculate Heart where we will find warmth, strength, peace and yes, JOY!